
Known as the "Land of Pagodas", Burma is also known by the name Myanmar. Throughout the world, Myanmar is known as one of the major countries following Theravada Buddhism. Around 89% of total population follows Buddhism in Burma. Burma is known all over the world for their unique Buddhist tradition and rituals as well as largest numbers of Buddhist temples and monasteries, pagodas and stupa. Most of the Buddhist monks are considered important members of Burmese society. According to Buddhist tradition in Burma, many Buddhist people also believe in Nat worship. Nat are considered as the form of spirits who are believed to intercede with affairs related to world.

According to history of Buddhism in Burma, the development of Buddhism can be categorized according to the different periods and styles in Burma. The present situation of Buddhist culture and religion in Burma can be considered as the result of different periods. Almost all Buddhist periods in Burma are quite important and had greatly contributed in the culture of Buddha statues and Buddhist sculptures. Some important Buddhist periods in Burma are
- Pyu Buddhist Period
- Pagan Bagan Buddhist period
- Toungoo Buddhist Period
- Ava Buddhist Period
- Amarapura Buddhist Period
- Mandalay Buddhist Period
- Shan Tai Yai Buddhist Period
- Mon Buddhist Period
- Arakan Buddhist Period
View our beautiful statues from beautiful country Burma
Being venerated member of Buddhist society, the role of Buddhist monks is quite important in the Buddhist society in Burma. Buddhist cultures and many Buddhist monuments are quite famous all over the world for their historical and religious importance as well as its scenery. Bagan is known all over the world for their most unique Arial scenery through balloons. Some of the important Buddhist monuments in Burma are Shwedagon Pagoda also known as the Golden Pagoda, Mandalay Palace, Sule Pagoda, Mahamuni temple and much more. The image of Mahamuni Buddha and its history is quite infamous in Burma and all the Burmese Kings envy the beauty of Mahamuni Buddha image.
Buddha statues are also important forte in the Burmese society. Burma is known all over the world for their amazing and artistic Buddha statues, Buddha image, and other Buddhist sculptures. Buddha statues are considered as the symbol that represents Lord Buddha himself. Many Buddhist monks in Burma considered it as the symbol of inspiration. Inspiration for achieving the ultimate knowledge i.e. Nirvana, and achieving Arhatship. Aside from Buddha statues, and Buddha images, Burma is also known for their use of Burmese lacquerware for making beautiful Buddhist sculptures in Burma. Their expertise and skills in making Buddhist sculptures can be considered unrivalled in whole world. Aside from Buddha statues, Buddhist traditions are also known for their Buddhist manuscripts.
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